Help us build a world of opportunity

For almost 50 years Golden Key International Honour Society has been proudly helping our members meet their academic and career goals through scholarships, networking opportunities and initiatives including the launch of Golden Key Academy.

There's still so much more to come!

Make a small donation and help us do big things for our members. 

Golden Key International Honour Society is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization (tax id: 58-1306896).  Your donation is tax deductible to the extent allowable by law.  No goods or services were provided by Golden Key International Honour Society in return for this contribution.  Golden Key will automatically email or send(via USPS) a receipt for $250 or more.

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Donation Policy

Section 1. Purpose


The purpose of this policy is to establish a formal process for acceptance and documentation of donations made to Golden Key International Honour Society. This policy provides guidance when individuals, community groups, and businesses wish to make donations to Golden Key International Honour Society. This policy also establishes the standards for employees and Officers regarding the acceptance of gifts during the performance of business.

Section 2. Types of Donations

Donations may be offered in the form of cash, real or personal property. Designated donations means those donations that the donor specifies for a particular scholarship, location, or purpose. Undesignated donations means those donations that are given to Golden Key International Honour Society for an unspecified use.

Section 3. Consistency with Golden Key Interests

Designated donations may only be accepted when they have a purpose consistent with Golden Key International Honour Society’s goals and objectives and are in the best interest of Golden Key. Golden Key International Honour Society must always consider the public trust and comply with all applicable laws when accepting donations.

Section 4. Acceptance of Undesignated Donations of Cash or Tangible Items

All donations to Golden Key International Honour Society, including offers to employees related to Golden Key International Honour Society, shall immediately be submitted for consideration for acceptance. Based on the value of the donation offered as outlined below, appropriate staff shall review every donation and determine if the benefits to be derived warrant acceptance of the donation. The following points list the threshold amounts for donation acceptance.

A. Offers of donations of cash or items valued at $5,000 or below may be accepted by a Department Director.

B. Offers of donations of cash or items valued more than $5,000 and up to $10,000 may be accepted by Golden Key International Honour Society Manager.

C. Offers of donations of cash or items valued more than $10,000 must be accepted by Golden Key International Honour Society Council. Donations valued at more than $10,000 shall be accepted through a written agreement consistent with these guidelines and approved by Golden Key International Honour Society Council.

D. Offers of donations for gratuitous purposes (e.g. holiday gift baskets, etc.) to any employee, department or Golden Key International Honour Society shall be made available to benefit all employees.

Section 5. Acceptance of Designated Donations of Cash or Tangible Items

Based on the value of the donation offer as outlined in Section 3 above, appropriate staff will review the conditions of any designated donation and determine if the benefits to be derived warrant acceptance of the donation. Criteria for the evaluation include but are not limited to:

  1. Consideration of an immediate or initial expenditure is required in order to accept the donation;
  2. The potential and extent of Golden Key International Honour Society’s obligation to maintain, match, or supplement the donation;

Section 6. Acknowledgement of Donations

  1. A Donation Acceptance Form is required to be completed by the receiving Department Director or Golden Key International Honour Society Manager’s Office for all donations provided to Golden Key International Honour Society – Donate Here.
  2. You will receive an automated email, as an acknowledgement of the receipt of your donation. Undesignated donations shall be acknowledged by Golden Key International Honour Society Manager. A copy of the acknowledgement agreement should be forwarded to donors.
  3. The Donor Acceptance Form including the donor names and donation amounts are public information subject to disclosure pursuant to the California Public Records Act.

Section 7. Declined Donations

A. Golden Key International Honour Society of Golden Key reserves the right to decline any donation if, upon review, acceptance of the donation offer is determined in the sole discretion of Golden Key International Honour Society to be not in the best interests of Golden Key International Honour Society.

Section 8. Distribution of Donation

  1. Tangible items will be distributed to appropriate departments for use or, at the discretion of the Department Director or Manager, disposed of in an appropriate manner according to this policy.
  2. Donations of cash for designated donations will be deposited into the appropriate revenue account for the designated department.
  3. Donations of cash for undesignated donations under $5000 will be deposited into Golden Key International Honour Society’s General Fund donation account. Undesignated donations in the amount of $5,000-$10,000 will be designated to the Community Projects Grant Program. Undesignated donations in an amount over $10,000 will be distributed at the direction of Council.

Section 9. Dissemination of Information

  1. An email copy of each Donation Acceptance Form for accepted donations shall be forwarded for information to Golden Key International Honour Society Council by Golden Key International Honour Society Manager’s Office.
  2. A copy of each Donation Acceptance Form for accepted donations shall be forwarded for information to the Finance Department and the designated department for which the donation was assigned.
  3. Each original Donation Acceptance Form shall be maintained by Golden Key International Honour Society Clerk’s Office.

Section 10. Acceptance of Gifts to Employees and/or Officers of Golden Key International Honour Society

  1. Employees and or Officers of Golden Key International Honour Society shall follow a Code of Ethics, Conflict of Interest Code as they relate to the receipt of gifts.
  2. Employees and officers of Golden Key International Honour Society are required to be objective and fair in dealing with the public and persons or firms doing business with Golden Key International Honour Society. Employees shall not solicit or accept gifts or gratuities for the performance of their job responsibilities.
  3. No officer or employee shall directly or indirectly solicit, accept, or attempt to accept any money, fee, credit, gift, gratuity, object of value, or compensation of any kind which the officer or employee knows, or has reason to know is being offered:
    • For the purpose of improperly obtaining or rewarding favorable treatment; 2. With interest to influence the officer or employee in the discharge of officer duties or;
    • In consideration of having exercised officer powers or performed officer duties.
  1. Anonymous gifts shall be delivered to Golden Key International Honour Society Manager for appropriate disposition.
  2. This policy does not prohibit a officer from accepting anything of value by way of a gift when such a gift is made to and accepted on behalf of, Golden Key International Honour Society of Golden Key. All such gifts to Golden Key International Honour Society shall be forwarded to Golden Key International Honour Society Manager for compliance with this policy whenever possible; Golden Key International Honour Society Manager will ensure that all such gifts are shared by all staff. An example of such gifts would be those received during holiday periods.
  3. Under the Political Reform Act, public officers and employees are required to disclose certain personal financial holdings as outlined in California Government Code sections 81000-91014. The Fair Political Practices Commission requires all public officers and employees to file a ‘conflict-of-interest statement,’ known as Form 700. In Schedule D of Form 700, details requirements in reporting gifts of a dollar value and shall be used.

Donation Contract Template by: